Sunday, March 20, 2011

Diet Measurements Week 5

Not sure what happened this week. I thought I was being good, but obviously nefarious forces are plotting against me. I have a list of suspects lined up for your perusal:

Suspect Number One:

I love these things. They are allowed on the diet but, serving size?
I checked the can: One serving 170 calories. Serving size, 18 pieces.

Suspect Number Two:

A glass of wine in the evening might be wrecking my diet. Going to try without.

Suspect Three:

You can never completely rule out clowns.

Suspect Four:

Ok, I'm pretty sure this last one is off the hook.

Measurements Week Five:

Weight - 176.2
Body Fat % - 17.9
Total Inches - 143.5

Have a good week everyone.

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